picture gallery:

By using multiple methods, participants become aware of asylum, migration and flight in their society


With this workshop we want to achieve understanding towards strangers. We look at the reasons for flight and learn more about the effects of migration and clarify stereotypes and prejudices.


Due to various recent incidents, demonstrations against immigrants (especially from the Arab or African region), such as PEGIDA, as well as the European influx of right-wing parties and populists, we have set ourselves the task of standing up for strangers and awakening empathy. For this reason, the seminar is called Foreign FRIENDLINESS or xenoPHILIA.

additional instructions:

Be sensitive towards refugees and their stories.

procedure / program

 Start of the PowerPoint presentation
- Presentation round: First the moderator(s), then the participants
- Name, job, studies or other?
- Everybody should say what they hope for from today's workshop.
- Method: Association cards In the file: Method: Association cards
- Following the association cards method, the moderators present what is covered in the workshop.
- Block I: Quiz
- Block II: Life in Germany, causes of flight
- Block III: The centre of society, Interview guide, Personal history
- Block IV: Advantage memory, rumour mill social networks,
own contribution: What can YOU do?

Before the quiz is started, a short introduction to the topic is given by the moderator. The following key points should be conveyed.

risks :

The psychological boundaries of refugees and asylum seekers who may be part of the workshop must be protected at all times and traumatic memories/experiences must not be addressed.


content description:


  • Question and answer session with the plenum, what was good about the seminar, what was new, what was particularly stuck or whether there was new interest.
  • "Target method", feedback cards and evaluations are attached to a target by the participants
  • The supply of additional material and online links for your own information.


Organisation: Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e.V
Name: Wingerter Perdita
Street: Leopoldstraße 9
Postcode and City: 94032 Passau
Phone: 00498512132738
website: www.gemeinsam-in-europa.de
E-Mail: projekt@gemeinsam-in-europa.de

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