Your View on Democracy
ENG Your View on Democracy
picture gallery:
Nowadays democracy is endangered by populist parties, extremist leaders and corruption, while the youngsters become more passive to all the changes happening around them. Through this workshop, the participants can learn about the risks our society confronts with and understand the importance of being politically active and protect the democracy.
This sesions aims to improve the knowledge of the participants on the topic of Democracy, through a presentation based on the report provided by The Economist Intelligence Unit- Democracy Index : A year of democratic setbacks and popular protests.
Objectives: 1) To prepare an interactive presentation on the topic of Democracy Worldwide.
2) To educate 15 participants about the Democracy Index, how it calculated and why it is relevant studying it.
additional instructions:
There is a need of minimum one facilitator, however, having more than a person involved in the preparation of the workshop may be useful. The facilitators should be educated on the topic of democracy, as well as to have the knowledge of the worldwide events.
additional instructions
Make sure you understand the information from the report and get informed on the topic before. Have a clear structure in your mind and make sure you keep track of the time and the energy level and engagement of the participants.
procedure / program
Welcome participants + energizer | Short presentation of the study | Interactive quiz & discussions | Evaluation
risks :
Risk 1: to generalize and to dramatize the situation - make sure you explain the methodology the study is based on, present the facts precisely and make sure to stress out also the progress and good things happening, not only the bad ones.
Risk 2: the participants are not engaged in discussions - have an energizer at the beginning in order to raise their energy level, have some questions prepared and engage them in discussions. Ask about their opinion and the situation in their home country (in case of a multicultural group).
:additional material needed:
Online software application for meetings, interactive tools for presenting.
additional requirements:
The workshop can be delivered both online or offline. Make sure the participants arrive on time and help their energy level with an energizer.
additional important organizational tasks:
The workshop can be delivered both online or offline. Make sure the participants arrive on time and help their energy level with an energizer.
content description:
Online software application for meetings, interactive tools for presenting.
00:20 - The participants will get engaged into the topic with some interactive questions related
to the topic. Afterwards the facilitation will ask their curiosities and share full results about the
things the participants are interested about.
Examples: Did the report meet your expectations about the democracy worldwide?
Could you give us some details about the result of your country? Why do you think your country received that result? How could citizens contribute to the improvement of the democracy index of your country?
closing activities:
00:20 - Debriefing – the participants are asked to share impressions about the study and to
discuss about the situation in their own country regarding the political participations of its citizens.
00:10 – Evaluation – each participant shares one thing that he found out and surprised them the most.
Organisation: Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca
Name: Chis-Racolta Nico
Street: Virgil Fulicea nr.1, ap.1 0
Postcode and City: 4000022 Cluj-Napoca
Phone: 0040-729 837 773
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