Fake news and conspiracy theories
ENG Fake news and conspiracy theories
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Especially since the SARS-CoV-2-outbreak there has been a strong increase in fake news and conspiracy theories which makes them subject of a larger public debate. Therefore knowing how to deal with friends, colleagues or family members who spread these dangerous lies should be an important issue since fake news and conspiracy theories threaten both our democracy and the physical integrity of some of our society`s members.
To warn the people of the dangers and threats of fake news and conspiracy theories. Our aim is to raise awareness for these topics and learn how to deal with them.
additional instructions:
The facilitators need to have deep understanding of the topic. Furthermore they should be motivated and able to speak freely in front of an audience.
risks :
The option to do the whole workshop offline should be left open for the case there is no internet connection available Furthermore the duration of working out the content together with the participans depends a lot on the participants and can vary widely.
:additional material needed:
Every participant receives a clipboard, a pen and paper as well as a role card for the role play.
Introduction of the facilitaters and the participants. The participants tell about personal experience related to the topic and their expectations for the workshop. (10 min)
Fake News: How to spot them, how can i possibly react? Why do some people spread Fake News? The facilitaters and participants work out the content together. (40 min)
Exercise: How to spot Fake News. Small break and discussion of the exercise. (40 min)
Conspiracy theories: Why do some people believe in them and how to deal with such people? The facilitaters and participants work out the content together. (15 min)
Role play: How to deal with people who believe in conspiracies or Fake News. (20 min)
Short Feedback regarding the workshop and the role play. (5 min)
Organisation: Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e.V
Name: Wingerter Perdita
Street: Leopoldstraße 9
Postcode and City: 94032 Passau
Phone: 00498512132738
website: www.gemeinsam-in-europa.de
E-Mail: projekt@gemeinsam-in-europa.de
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