learning platform

Online energizers for workshops/ activities on democratic citizenship
The workshop addresses facilitators and educators, presenting a series of exercices of group dynamics and team building, to be used in online workshops on the topic of...

Energizere online pentru workshopuri/ activități pe tema cetățeniei democratice
Acest atelier se adresează facilitatorilor și educatorilor, prezentând o serie de exerciții pe tema dinamicii de grup și team building, de utilizat în ateliere...

Workshop on Volunteer Management and Social Economy
The workshop addresses students at the Master degree in the fields of social work or antropolgy. It equips participants with a clearer view on principles and resources...

Volunteering: Benefits, Rights and Responsibilities
An interactive session dedicated to migrants, from the outside of EU, to get themselves familiar with the volunteering law in Romania. The session was delivered online...

Workshop on clickbait
The workshop addresses young people in order to discuss abour the clickbait articles: they whys and hows behind it, and how to deal with it in the online.

Start your life-changing journey now! - Online Campaign
At the beginning of a new year,Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca conducted a one month online campaign, during which, the stories of 9 young people from Romania shared...

Where does the joke end and the stereotype begin?
On a daily basis, racist speeches and xenophobic actions spread hate among people from different nationalities, ethnic groups, or social groups. It's up to us to educate...

Me in Europe and EU
This is a workshop for people with a low educational background, children or youth with vulnerable background. The aim is to raise their awareness on how European Union...

Workshop Democractic citizens since childhood
The workshop addresses children, who are for the first time introduced to concepts related to democracy.

We vote, do you?
This is a flashmob on voting in relation with key elements of active citizenship. It is a way to show in public to the local community how each individual action shapes...

Your View on Democracy
Nowadays democracy is endangered by populist parties, extremist leaders and corruption, while the youngsters become more passive to all the changes happening around them....

Dialogue of activists (generations of activist)
"This exercise brings together generations of activists and asks them some key questions - the answers to which should encourage future action by all present."

International Women's Day
"This workshop/activity is intended for younger participants who are thinking about this topic for the first time. It is designed as a combination of theory, discussions...

Round of rights
This workshop/activity puts participants on different sides of the discussion on sensitive and controversial topics. In doing so, participants have predetermined...

Article on tortured fake news and the latest generation of distorted post-communist characters
Volonteurope for Volunteering Matters and for the Czech partner (as both Volunteering Matters and the Usti nad Labem Volunteer Centre are members of Volonteurope, whilst...

Online webinar on the importance of impact and evaluation in volunteering projects 15 April 2021
On 15 April 2021, Volonteurope, engaging Volunteering Matters in the framework of European projects, including Wake UP! Erasmus+ project, organised a capacity building...

Supporting Active Citizenship in the Digital Age (Informed Citizenship)
Supporting Active Citzenship in the Digital Era is a peer-led workshop initiative that aims to inform young people how to promote active citzenship and become active...

Young People Online
Young People Online is a peer-led workshop initaitve that aims to inform young people how to appropriate the internet both safely and effectively. The use of the internet...

European volunteer testimonial videos on mobility and positive experiences of Erasmus+ and cross border European volunteering
Here we have four video testimonials - from both European and UK volunteers - talking about the importance for them and their skills, and personal and professional...

Restore the balance - Peace and human rights
The method is based upon pictures of Uğur Gallenkuş that problematize war (check https://www.instagram.com/ugurgallen/ before continuing reading). The "shocking" part...

Volunteering for Democracy
This method is based on raising awareness of the connection between volunteering and democracy and on promoting active citizenship through volunteering for democratic...

Think critically and create online content
"With this education, young people think about their own responsibility in the online environment, ways to fact-check the online content, and how to create online content...

EU for youth
This method is based on raising awareness about the connection between the European Union and the youth, also this method is based on the promotion of European...

How to think critically in 4 steps?
The workshop is designed in such a way that young participants go through 4 steps of critical thinking on given topics. The first step requires participants to talk in...

How to help region
The workshop brings together organizations and active citizens in the region. It is intergenerational and supports young people's ideas to improve their quality of life...

Entrepreneurship support for young people
Do you have equal access to information and resources that support young people in active citizenship and entrepreneurship? Get acquainted with solidarity projects and...

Volunteering and leadership of young people
You can invite young leaders to one place and strengthen their competencies for entrepreneurship and active citizenship. The exchange of experiences in groups is the...

Laboratory of ideas for solidarity projects
Meeting of young leaders focused on the entrepreneurship of young people in the community. 2 examples of good practice were presented. At the round table, young leaders...

Common European values
Common European values in this context, are viewed as human standars and rights such as; personal freedom, human dignity, solidarity, active civil society, market...

Online Safety
Online safety refers to the act of staying safe online. It is also commonly known as internet safety, e-safety and cyber safety, but what does the youth do to protect...

Fake news
Fake news have become "normal". Life experience and education can help to debunk fake news. But to what degree are young people aware of fakenews? And how do they handle...

Erasmus for youngsters
This workshop is intended to educate young people about erasmus and the many opportunities that come with this program

European citizenship- International cooperation via the Erasmus plus program
This workshop is an exercise for youngsters and adults. The workshop focus on Erasmus + and the benefits for young people and students within this program.

Human rights respect
Human rights - What do Human Rights have to do with me? Within this activity we want to make people aware of their own behavior based on the Universal Declaration of...

Intro Human rights basic workshop
This workshop is a basic exercise for youngsters and adults. . At the beginning of the workshop, the coach should ask the youngsters if they are known the terms human...

Freedom of speech and press
This ws should make the young learners aware of their own values and what matters most to them. The learning outcomes of this workshop will not only be to become...

Data protection in online world
This lecture aims to help citizens know more about online threats and how they can protect data in the online world, it also provides them with tools they can use to be...

Protecting online identity
This workshop aims to help young people and citizens to be more informed in order to protect their online identity and feel more safe online.

Digital citizenship
This workshop aims to help young people to learn more about digital citizenship and how to be responsible digital citizen.

Dealing with information overload
This workshop aims to help young people to learn more about information overload and how to effectively manage it.

Fundamental Rights in times of Corona
We will discuss the restrictions of the fundamental rights imposed by the government to contain the spread of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Establishment and access to the Youth Club 15 ENTER22
With a team of young people, we designed and prepared a place for young people in our city of Ústí nad Labem. Young people approved the place for reconstruction,...

This workshop aims to help young people to learn more cyberbullying and how to deal with it

Fake news
This workshop aims to help young people to learn more about fake news and how to evaluate them

For critical thinking youth
Having in mind that we live in a media age, the aim of this debate is to discuss about the importance of media literacy and critical thinking.

Human rights workshop
The Human Right Market is a fun and educational activity to do with young people who would like to know more about Human Rights. Participants are presented with their...

Engaging youth in active citizenship
This workshop aims to help young people to learn more about active citizenship and youth participation and to encourage them to get active in their community.

10 days for 50 students
This is a an online campagin aiming to collect during 10 days a sum of 50 devices, which would ensure proper access to online classes for 50 students in need.

In order to mobilize voters to go to the local elections, we stood in different, well-visited, public places with two posters. The posters said: "To vote is ..." and "Not...

A cooking evening with mayor candidates
In the course of the local elections 2020 we invited the candidates for mayor of Passau to cook. Participants were 16 first-time voters and young voters under 27 years of...

Cozy Mood Online Talk
The workshop was divided into two parts where we focused on two main topics. First topic is the Political influence of the individual. In this topic we worked with the...

Online activism
Online campaign is a method which allows young people to get active and contribute for social change in their community and wider, by using the electronic communication...

European volunteer
The workshop about the european volunteering, its values, benefits. We discussed our motivation, aims, struggles with volunteering. We opened the question about...

IO5_Cyber Bullying
This method serves to raise awareness of and inform participants about cyber bullying and related concepts such as hate speech, discrimination or prejudices and online...

IO4_EU & Education
European Citizenship: How has the EU contributed to the education system of your country? ...

IO2_Recognising active & passive roles
Discrimination, racism and civic courage - recognising active and passive roles ...

History of the EU and my future life in it
The workshop is focused on the beggining of the European union and its gradually increasing action since the WWII situation. We pointed out aims of the EU and what the EU...

Media literacy - crossborder perspective
The idea of this workshop is to encourage young people to think critically about the media and the role of the media in society, especially in building relationships with...

How has the EU contributed to the Austrian education system?
This method serves to increase participants' knowledge of the various fields of activity of the EU, in particular its contribution to the education system in Austria....

Active Volunteering Workshop
A session dedicated to learning about the concept of active volunteering and how each individual can get involved in different activities in order to become an active...

European Citizenship: The History of the EU and why it was created
This method serves to increase participants' knowledge of the history of the EU and raise their awareness of EU-Citizenship. Participants gain insights into the structure...

Why people flee from their home country
The method serves to increase understanding of reasons why people flee from their home country. Participants deal with the question: "What would be a personal reason for...

To support a strong Civil Society: Promote Civil Society – Show Civil Courage
This method serves to increase participants' awareness of civil courage. Participants gain knowledge on concepts related to civil courage (i.e. democratic values,...

"International Breakfast for women"
The event is supposed to get women together to discuss about gender equality and share their experiences with it.

Discrimination in public places - How to show Civil Courage
By using this method, particpants do research on the topic of discrimination. They further have the chacne to reflect on this topic. Moreover, participants create and act...

Digital minimalism and technologies around us
This online workshop was organized for young students from secondary school. We focused on the explanation of digital literacy and the main theme was an understanding of...

European Citizenship - What has the EU done f
Video on what has the EU done for us, prepared, recorded and disseminated by young people.

Democratic Citizenship - Women of WASSUP
Women of Wassup: Topics for Democratic Citizenship is a volunteer-led project for young women who want to raise issues with topics that they believe are not discussed...

Active Citizenship - My Mental Health
The MMM project is a peer-led (meaning it is delivered under the guidance of professionals rather than by a progessional) initative to mental health awareness for young...

TravelSAFE is a peer-led project born out of an identified need to assess the barriers that people with additional learning needs (ALN) face while accessing public...

Effective youth policies for active youngster
This workshop aims to help young people to learn more about the definition of youth policies and about the youth policies that are formulated in their country.

This workshop aims to help young people to learn more about fundraising and how to organize successful fundraising.

Disinformation, Fake News and Propaganda
The workshop will bring informed citizenship in a non-violent way. How to recognize misinformation, fake news and propaganda? How to combine the workshop so that young...

"This workshop gives people a chance to: - share their knowledge and ideas,, learn new things, Work together and take action. "

Promoting active citizenship
"This workshop aims to people feel empowered to engage peacefully and effectively with others in the sustainable development of their communities. The workshop will help...

By using multiple methods, participants become aware of asylum, migration and flight in their society

Fighting Hate speach
This activity is based on making young people aware of what hate speech is, why it is important to oppose it and how we can act. After the educational part, the activity...

In order to mobilize voters to go to the local elections, we stood in different, well-visited, public places with two posters. The posters said: "To vote is ..." and "Not...

What is so significant about democracy?
A lot of people left their countries in fear of dictatorship, arbitrariness, terror and violence. Germany became their place of refuge, not only from a economical point...

Active Communication
Active listening enables better conversations. Many times, we are so focused on what we have to, want to, or think we should say that we blend out the fact that listening...

"Mobile phone assistance (not only) for senio
Senior citizens can ask their questions about mobile phones to young people.

Eu Video
As part of our European project WakeUp! We contacted some participants of the Erasmus project and they told us about their experiences through a video.

Workshop: This time I choose!
In May 2019 the European Parliament elections will take place for the 9th time in Europe. More than ever, the future of the European Union will be decided. For the first...

World Cultural Heritage
"We discover the incredible diversity of the world cultural heritage and answer questions. What exactly is cultural heritage? What do cultures in Europe have in common?...

Women Strike
"Chairs and women for an hour-long strike. On the billboards are reported the reasons of the strike ( for example>Same wage for the same job). "

"Cook with me"
The project should bring young and old easily into contact with each other while cooking.

Voluntary engagement
Why is volunteering important? What does it mean to volunteer? How can I get myself involved in society, what kind of commitment could suit me? And how do I find a...

Why are populists successful?
"The workshop is supposed to inform about populism, i.e. it deals with how to identify populists, what they are aiming for and why the are successful. "

Teaching young people about Clickbait
Clickbait: content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page. The participants are solicited,through a...

Podcast Research
Our activity involved ten young students who had to research something about the new episode of our podcast. The main topic was ecology and biodiversity and they also...

A life without plastic
"Workshop on the subject of plastics. How can I avoid plastic waste in everyday life - practical tips and tricks. The participants will also watch excerpts from the film...

Language and Culture
Workshop on communication, i.e. non-verbal communication, direct and indirect communication.

Fake news and conspiracy theories
"This workshop is supposed to inform about fake news and how to debunk them. Furthermore ...

Workshop: Municipal elections for "Dummies"
In this workshop we inform the youth about how voting works and we let them fill out sample election papers.

Demonstration culture
This workshop wants to point out that young people are concerned about politics and willing to stand up for what they think is important. Within this workshop we want the...

Mobile phone assistance (not only) for senior
Senior citizens can ask their questions about mobile phones to young people.