Why people flee from their home country
ENG Why people flee from their home country
picture gallery:
This activity wants to increase learners' understanding of why people flee from their home country. Learners will understand the importance of a fundamentally civil courageous attitude by reflecting on their own approaches, knowledge and experiences. This shall raise awareness of any acts of discrimination as an unjust or prejudicial treatment of different people, especially on grounds of race, age, or sex. Learners will better understand the reasons and points of view of people, who flee from their home country.
Learners will understand reasons, why people flee their home country.
risks :
It is rather recommended to use this workshop/reflection unit with groups you already know and have worked with.
Organisation: BEST Institut GmbH
Name: Kronika Helmut
Street: Mariahilfer Str. 8
Postcode and City: 1070 Wien
Phone: 0043-1-585 50 50-83
website: www.best-training.com
E-Mail: helmut.kronika@best-training.com
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