Online activism
ENG Online activism
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The idea of this method is to make young people aware about the opportunities that electronic communication technologies offer regarding online activism and how to use them in a proper way in order to make social changes and contribute towards their community.
Nowadays, the technology offers different opportunities, and one of them is online activism or digital activism which allows anyone to access a larger number of community and to call for change. Having in mind that a high number of young people use different electronic communication technologies, through this method, they have the chance to learn how to start and use these technologies for activism and social change in their community.
By giving them different examples of successful online activism (such as HeForShe, BlackLivesMatter, ASLIceBucketCHallenge, MeToo, FridaysForFuture) and by preparing their online campaign for any community issue, they will learn about the impact that can be reached through the use of electronic communication technologies.
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First of all, the participants learn more about the importance of activism and how they can use electronic communication technologies to get active in their community.
In the beginning, ask the participants about activism and what acitivism means to them. After this, give them some examples of online activism or online campaigns such as Black Lives Matter, He for She etc.Next, you should inform participants how to set up an online campaign, how to prepare a communication plan and the things they should watch out for. After this, the participants should be divided in groups and based on the learned things, they should prepare online campaign for any issue that affets their community. They will prepare the online campaign based on the learned steps for setting up a and online campaign (material attached) `
In the end, ask the participants about their experience of setting up an online campaign, which are the things that could work best for their online campaigns and which are the things that they should pay attention to.
Organisation: Multikultura
Name: Egzona Abdi
Street: Dervish Cara 5/2-2 0
Postcode and City: 1200 Tetovo
Phone: 00389 44 377 775
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