A cooking evening with mayor candidates
ENG A cooking evening with mayor candidates
picture gallery:
People come closer to each other when eating and cooking. That's why our idea/vision was to bring young voters* together with politicians* in a relaxed atmosphere. Especially the "hard to reach" voters could get out of themselves better and could take part in the political life through the chosen setting. They could be motivated to deal with the candidates and therefore with their programs and ideas. With the support of the moderator* and material it was possible to achieve this goal.
background information: The brexite made us realise that the young British were hardly involved in the decision to leave the EU. Most of them voted against a brexit, and in general the turnout of the under 27s was far lower than that of the elderly. That is why we want to motivate young people to take a greater interest in politics and make their voice heard. The cooking event with the candidates for mayor seemed to us to be a suitable way to establish contact with politicians and thus also with politics.
additional instructions:
The conversation should not be interrupted if possible, but dialogues should take place, so make sure that (especially the politicians) do not fall into monologues or swagger. It is also important to make sure that every participant has his or her say and can ask his or her questions and is allowed to participate in the discussion.
additional material needed:
Everything needed for cooking, dishes, ovens, shopping, depending on which recipe is used. In addition, flipcharts can be used to write down the programme, moderation cards as "idea bubbles" on the wall to give the participants inspiration for what they can ask the candidates. Shopping lists, recipes and instructions should be printed out and set up at the respective stations.
additional important organizational tasks:
Instruction in hygiene rules and regulations. Consideration must also be given to the possible risk of injury (e.g. when cutting or cooking over an open flame, etc.). A first-aid kit, such as a fire extinguisher, is also appropriate and useful here. It should be noted that the room or rooms must be completely equipped for the event, necessary preparations must be mentioned here in any case. During our activity it has been necessary to wash, clean and partly cut salads, vegetables and fruit, to name but a few, before the event (green salad). Ideally, cooking only takes about one and a half hours. With uncovering and rebuilding two hours. It is therefore important to make sure that the ingredients and recipes are adjusted to this duration.
1. welcoming
2. presentation of the volunteer organisers and the idea of the action
3. name presentation of the OB candidates
4. explanation of the cooking process at the four stations
5. group photo
6. drawing of the participants into the four groups
7. cooking with the candidates* - participants change every 20 minutes
8. eating together at the big table
9. video statements (participants and candidates) "That's why I vote...", or "Go vote, because..."
10. feedback from the participants*.
Organisation: Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e.V
Name: Wingerter Perdita
Street: Leopoldstraße 9
Postcode and City: 94032 Passau
Phone: 00498512132738
website: www.gemeinsam-in-europa.de
E-Mail: projekt@gemeinsam-in-europa.de
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