Human rights workshop
ENG Human rights workshop
picture gallery:
The idea of the activity is to make everyone aware of their rights (as in the Declaration of Human Rights), while aiming to make them understand than in some countries money could be a problem when it comes to equal and fair treatment of everyone. But generally, they should understand that there is no price for our human rights and everybody has them, they belong to everyone and everyone should enjoy them equally without any difference.
The reason why we are doing this, is to teach young people about their rights and about the importance of respecting human rights.
additional instructions:
Prior the activity the trainer needs to talk about human rights without giving any hints regarding the activity. Have in mind than when played in big groups, on the market part it could become complicated and a lot of noise and chaos, try to have the situation under control and make sure no-one gets hurt.
Facilitators should be aware they will need someone extra to help them with the whole process. Prior the activity the trainer needs to talk about human rights without giving any hints regarding the activity. Have in mind than when played in big groups, on the market part it could become complicated and a lot of noise and chaos, try to have the situation under control and make sure no-one gets hurt. And be sure to hand out the materials (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Market Money) one by one and not confuse the participants. The materials should be given after we explain the rules of the Human market method.
procedure / program
additional material needed:
Paper money
additional requirements:
Materials: printed and cut articles of the UDHR, paper money
content description:
Paper money
closing activities:
After the activity participants should reflect on what did they do and answer questions like: why some rights were most expensive than others, why we insisted on buying rights cheap, discuss about rights that were the cheapes and the most expensive and why. Moderator based on the interest of the participants could add new topics.
Organisation: Multikultura
Name: Egzona Abdi
Street: Dervish Cara 5/2-2 0
Postcode and City: 1200 Tetovo
Phone: 00389 44 377 775
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