How to think critically in 4 steps?
ENG How to think critically in 4 steps?
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The idea of this method is for young people to learn to think critically based on concrete examples using a few simple steps, and the goal is to encourage them to use this same method independently in everyday life.
The main goal of this workshop is to encourage young people to think critically and give them a concrete tool that they can use in everyday life. We live in a time when we are oversaturated with information from all sides and it is very important to know what to do with it. The pandemic further emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and media literacy, but the education system still does not encourage young people enough to develop critical thinking. Therefore, it is very important to promote critical thinking through informal workshops and trainings.
additional material needed:
each participant should have a mobile phone or a laptop (with internet access)
content description:
each participant should have a mobile phone or a laptop (with internet access)
In the middle part we explain 4 steps of critical thinking and give the participants few interesting but relevant topics (in this workshop we used 2 topics (Istanbul convencion and COVID-19 vaccine). After presenting the steps and the topics, we divided participants into 2 groups, and every group got one of the mentioned topics. They were working on 4 steps in groups and after each step we came back into the main session and talked about our conclusions.
closing activities:
For wrap up activity each group has explained their final conclusion from the group work and presented their new critical view on the topic.
Organisation: D Kolektiv
Name: Nikica Torbica
Street: Stjepana Radica 16 0
Postcode and City: 3100 Osijek
Phone: 00385-31-211306
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