Young People Online
ENG Young People Online
picture gallery:
The internet is now a fundamental commodity in the lives of young people; as a tool for work, social interaction and basic communication. With this comes risks to their safety that beforehand would not have been issue, such as the sharing of personal data online and the theft of personal information that is stored online. This workshop uses a traditional pedegogical approach of facilitator to facilatatee where the workshop is delivered to a group of active participants who will contribute to the workshop; sharing ideas and concerns to ensure that the session is as effective as possible.
This workshop allows for an information space for participants to learn about internet safety without the necessity of a formal learning environment.
This workshop uses a variant of the traditional pedegogical approach to inform young people as to how to use the internet safely. Following on from working with volunteers who have informed the content of this workshop, clear outputs were se
The initiative was conceived under the premise that the internet is now having a large amount of impact on the lives of young people and rather than instill a fear around its usage, it would be more useful to provide them with the tools to make informed decisions for themselves.
Internet safety is of huge concern for young people today. With its growing use as a tool for communication, social interaction and work; young people are spending a lot of their lives online. The sharing of personal information online is a growing conern, and our vision is to provide young people with the tools and resources to make informed decisions for themselves.
additional instructions:
Knowledge around internet safety and delivering workshops with young people.
closing activities:
In order to ascertain feedack for the efficacy of this workshop, we went around a MS Forms form to collect anonymous feedback.
Organisation: Volunteering Matters
Name: Sadowski Piotr
Street: The Levy Centre, 18-24 Lower Clapton Road 0
Postcode and City: E5 0PD London
Phone: 0044-7747617857
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