Supporting Active Citizenship in the Digital Age (Informed Citizenship)
ENG Supporting Active Citizenship in the Digital Age (Informed Citizenship)
picture gallery:
The internet is now a fundamental commodity in the lives of young people; as a tool for work, social interaction and basic communication. With this comes practical issues whereby activity was very much focussed around in person delivery of community initiaitves. This workshop uses a traditional pedegogical approach of facilitator to facilatatee where the workshop is delivered to a group of active participants who will contribute to the workshop; sharing ideas and concerns to ensure that the session is as effective as possible.
Active citizenship has always been fundemental to charitable initiatives and community interaction. Previously, this took the form of a number of in-person activtives, such as a community-wide awareness programmes or helping in the community (such as volunteering at food-banks or refuge centers). In light of the growing impact of the internet in our day to lives, we are faced with two options: either ignore it and continue with the traditional models of
Active citizenship is a huge part of community work for charitable organisations and community led initiatives throughout. With the growing use of the internet for communication, social interaction and work; we are posed with two options: ignoring the growing impact or the interent or adopting it as a valid method of delivery for active citizenship. Our vision is to provide young people with a platfrom to promote active citizenship online!
additional instructions:
Knowledge around internet safety and delivering workshops with young people.
closing activities:
In order to ascertain feedack for the efficacy of this workshop, we went around a MS Forms form to collect anonymous feedback.
Organisation: Volunteering Matters
Name: Sadowski Piotr
Street: The Levy Centre, 18-24 Lower Clapton Road 0
Postcode and City: E5 0PD London
Phone: 0044-7747617857
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