International Women's Day
ENG International Women's Day
picture gallery:
This workshop/activity will encourage young participants to think about human rights, why civic courage is important for the progress of human rights and what is our personal responsibility to protect them, but also to promote their further progress.
We do this workshop/activity to introduce young people to the history of a very important day, but even more to encourage them to become active - to become promoters of women's rights themselves and to promote human rights throughout the year.
procedure / program
1. What is Women's Day?
2. History of the struggle for women's rights
3. Gender equality - group work
4. Joint discussion
content description:
The facilitator presents (with help of the PPT) about the history of that day, its importance and how it is celebrated today. Facilitator than approaches the broader topic of the fight for women's rights on mixed examples of domestic and international practice (selected women's rights activists). Encourages participants to discuss questions such as - What is the role of activists? Why is active citizenship important? What would the world look like if we did not promote human rights? How can we do that today? Participants are then divided into four groups in which they are given the task of designing an appropriate activity to mark Women's Day: 1) for their mothers, 2) for their friends, 3) for their teachers, 4) for their fellow citizens.
Organisation: D Kolektiv
Name: Nikica Torbica
Street: Stjepana Radica 16 0
Postcode and City: 3100 Osijek
Phone: 00385-31-211306
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