Dialogue of activists (generations of activist)
ENG Dialogue of activists (generations of activist)
picture gallery:
This dialogue is intended for active citizens - either as activists in the narrow sense or as socially engaged persons in the broad sense. At the same time, it aims to gather a new generation of active citizens, but also citizens who have been active for a long time, so that by getting to know each other, exchanging experiences, ideas and reflections in the future, they can build some new stories independently and/or together.
This meeting of activists was organized so that we (active citizens) could stop for a moment, look back on our actions, listen to the thoughts and experiences of others and think how to better disseminate this experience in society, for future generations of socially engaged fellow citizens.
additional instructions
It is very important that the facilitator knows the relevant interlocutors in his community and takes into account the generation gap - does he know activists of several generations or only his own? This is necessary for dialogue to make sense, as its essence is precisely to get to know different perspectives.
risks :
The risk is that the selected activists already know each other, which makes this form of dialogue lose its significance.
:content description:
closing activities:
The facilitator invites everyone present to ask questions that interest them in the informal part. After the questions are exhausted, he invites those present to consider whether they have opportunities for joint action and announces the division of contacts.
Organisation: D Kolektiv
Name: Nikica Torbica
Street: Stjepana Radica 16 0
Postcode and City: 3100 Osijek
Phone: 00385-31-211306
website: www.dkolektiv.hr
E-Mail: nikica.torbica@dkolektiv.hr
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