We vote, do you?
ENG We vote, do you?
picture gallery:
This flashmob aims to create awareness on the importance of voting and other ways of being an active citizen. An additional thing to do, would be to make a video with the flashmob for further use in Social Media in order to reveal transmit the message further, not only to those who see it happening in real time in the street.
The flashmob is supposed to raise awareness on the importance of being an active citizen, highlighting the power of each individual when using the right to vote.
The flashmob is a spontaneus action which happens in public, in crowded places, so more people can see it and receive the message. At the same time, the preparing team needs to invest time and energy in shpaing up a memorable flashmob, in order to impact the citizens. Therefore, the aim of this action is to make the public reflect about their position in the society through a fast-flashy-impactful experience.
additional instructions:
Minimum 1 person needed to coordinate the flashmob preparations and implementation.
additional instructions
It is important to choose a public space which is crowded enough, to ensure visibility, but also which allows enough space for filming the flashmob.
additional material needed:
It is needed filming equipement: 2-3 cameras, tripod, laptop with video editing software
additional requirements:
For the implementation of the flashmob is needed around 15 minutes, but the planning part takes around 9 hours. It is necessary to decide on the message you want to send and create the banners. As well, GDPR forms need to be signed by all the participants involved in the flashmob (since they will be filmed) and safety&protection is necessary for being outdoors for the participants in the flashmob.
additional important organizational tasks:
For the implementation of the flashmob is needed around 15 minutes, but the planning part takes around 9 hours. It is necessary to decide on the message you want to send and create the banners. As well, GDPR forms need to be signed by all the participants involved in the flashmob (since they will be filmed) and safety&protection is necessary for being outdoors for the participants in the flashmob.
content description:
It is needed filming equipement: 2-3 cameras, tripod, laptop with video editing software
When organising a flashmob, there are some steps to be followed: 1) Create a group of young people willing to be part of a flashmob with the topic of active citizenship 2) Think about a public space where it can happen (eg. a public square) and of an idea related to it (eg. voting), which you want to promote in public 3) Come up with a catchy message for the audience. (eg. `Do not wase your chance to dignity. Vote!` with each word written on its own cardboard/paper/banner) 4) Choose a graphic design for the message - can be put on cardboard with coloured pencils/markers etc. 5) Clarify roles and reponsibilities within the team: development of cardboards, film the flashmob, edit the video, publish it online etc. 6) Rehearsals before the implementation 7) Flashmob implementation in the public space 8) Promoting the video on media channels 9) Evaluation
closing activities:
Make sure together with your colleagues you evaluate the flashmob after its implementation, can be the next day or a few days later but do not less too much time to pass. You can start by wondering what you liked best, what could have been improved, what you would do diferently next week, and what are you thankful for after being involved in planning and implementing a flashmob.
In case you decide to film the flashmob, make sure you publish it on Social Media, share it with your peers. For an added value, you can write a press release and reach newspapers/ news websites in order to share your flashmob's message.
further reading:
Here is the link with the example: https://www.facebook.com/centruldevoluntariat/videos/2481302118573047/
Organisation: Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca
Name: Chis-Racolta Nico
Street: Virgil Fulicea nr.1, ap.1 0
Postcode and City: 4000022 Cluj-Napoca
Phone: 0040-729 837 773
website: www.voluntariat.ro
E-Mail: cluj@voluntariat.ro
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