Start your life-changing journey now! - Online Campaign
ENG Start your life-changing journey now! - Online Campaign
picture gallery:
In order to reach more young people, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds, it is important to promote at a larger scale the mobility opportunities offered by the European Union through the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programs. Short and motivating videos, sharing the experience of peer young people can help those not convinced of the benefits of these programs to apply.
To promote the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programs through a series of 9 videos shared online, during a one month long campaign.
additional instructions:
No requirements, the video editing can be done separately, if the facilitator does not have the ability to do it themselves.
additional instructions
Create a friendly and open environment. Make sure that everybody feels confortable. Send the questions to the participants before the event and maintain a constant communication with them.
procedure / program
There is flexibility in choosing the questions, however, some examples would be:
- "How did this experience help you grow as a person?"
- "What are the benefits of being an European Citizen, as a young person?"
- "How did the international environment help you grow and develop new competencies?"
-" How did the European Union contribute to your personal and proffesional development?"
- "Why would you recommend someone participating in a transnational mobility?"
The questions can be adapted based on each specific case.
additional material needed:
camera and a video editing program
additional important organizational tasks:
When contacted, the participants should be explained what their role and responsibilities are within the activity. Moreover, their consent to have their image shared on social media is mandatory. This can be done through a Google Form.
Organisation: Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca
Name: Chis-Racolta Nico
Street: Virgil Fulicea nr.1, ap.1 0
Postcode and City: 4000022 Cluj-Napoca
Phone: 0040-729 837 773
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