WakeUp! - Futter für`s Hirn Podcast
ENG WakeUp! - Futter für`s Hirn Podcast
picture gallery:
In each episode, we tackle a specific topic: Why get involved? Democracy in crisis - sexism - racism - inclusion - mental health .... We talk about it in a simple and understandable way, invite a person who is involved in this area and introduce him/her, but at the end of each episode we also show how you can get personally involved in this topic, in the form of a challenge.
procedure / program
Planning (topic, potential guest, cover, research), recording, editing episode with Audacity, publishing with podigee of new episode on Spotify/Deezer/Apple Music, updating website, marketing, feedback.
risks :
working with sensitive topics like mental health issues, racism etc.
:additional material needed:
Microphone, headset, editing programme eg. Audacity, Script
Organisation: Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e.V
Name: Wingerter Perdita
Street: Leopoldstraße 9
Postcode and City: 94032 Passau
Phone: 00498512132738
website: www.gemeinsam-in-europa.de
E-Mail: projekt@gemeinsam-in-europa.de
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