Teaching young people about Clickbait
ENG Teaching young people about Clickbait
picture gallery:
Clickbait: content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page. The participants are solicited,through a Kahoot quiz, to understand what threats may be on web and to identify fake or clickbait news. All the main concepts are reported in a Power Point presentation.
Through multimedia tools to let young people know the various types of news.
Young people should be informed citizens and they have to know how to navigate on the Internet.
procedure / program
Greetings and presentation of each participants. Kahoot quiz about clickbait and fake news: "Can you recognize them?" and then Power Point Presentation about some advices and description about clickbait and fake news.
content description:
- Short kahoot quiz with the aim of encouraging young people to think about what they read everyday.
- Greetings and introduction of the topic
- Be an informed citizen
- Can you recognize Clickbait and Fake news now?
Organisation: Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e.V
Name: Wingerter Perdita
Street: Leopoldstraße 9
Postcode and City: 94032 Passau
Phone: 00498512132738
website: www.gemeinsam-in-europa.de
E-Mail: projekt@gemeinsam-in-europa.de
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