Voluntary engagement
ENG Voluntary engagement
picture gallery:
We all have responsibility for the society in which we live. But it is not so easy to find out how to get involved in something good and actively implement your goals and visions. This workshop is designed to motivate young people in particular to find their way into social commitment.
We all have responsibility for the society in which we live. But it is not so easy to find out how to get involved in something good and actively implement your goals and visions. This workshop is designed to motivate young people in particular to find their way into social commitment.
procedure / program
Welcome, Introduction to the topic, Associations, Interactive quiz, Storytime, Engagement profiles, Ways to volunteer, Feedback
content description:
The main tools and methods are storytelling, intercative quiz like mentimeter and kahoot quiz
closing activities:
presentation round
Organisation: Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e.V
Name: Wingerter Perdita
Street: Leopoldstraße 9
Postcode and City: 94032 Passau
Phone: 00498512132738
website: www.gemeinsam-in-europa.de
E-Mail: projekt@gemeinsam-in-europa.de
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